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Director's Blog, March 13, 2024

Thank you to all the parents and staff members who helped out at our Information Meeting last week! Lots of families showed up to learn about all of the amazing things ACA has to offer. If you know of a homeschooling family, or a family who would like to begin homeschooling with ACA’s support, please let them know that our next Info Meeting will be Tuesday, April 16th, at 6:00pm in the gym.

So we’ve had very generous community members donate flags to ACA, and now I’d like to ask for help with installation. To hang the flag on the wall next to the stage, we need a handyperson with an extension ladder. And if anyone has a connection to a volunteer electrician, we can’t hang our outdoor flag unless it is lit and our spotlights aren’t working. We could use some troubleshooting help! 

I’m listening to the beautiful music of power tools…guess what’s happening this morning? Our water bottle filling fountains are being installed! Thank you to K & C Plumbing and Oregon City District Facilities for making this happen in time for warmer weather!

Read-A-Thon rolled out in this week! Each student will receive a packet from their ES. Thank you, PTO, for putting on an amazing fundraiser for our playground!

A reminder, here’s the link to order pizza for Thursday Order by Tuesday at 4:00pm!

Go Eagles, 

Shelly Smith

Interim Executive Director 

“Our mission is to personalize learning through a collaboration of family, community and school; to nurture the innate curiosity of all our students; to ignite their passion for learning; and to prepare them for lifelong success.”


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